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Are clients no longer important?

Are clients no longer important?

The attention given to the telephone Service during decades resulted in the development of numerous innovative solutions and the principles of good practices:

  • Training of the telephone agents
  • Development of telephone centrals with advanced functionalities
  • Production of messages for telephone service in diverse languages that demanded native voice over talents, even to respect the regional dialects.
  • Production of clear and efficient IVR guides.
  • Introduction of metric to secure the quality of service.
  • Development of solutions to analyse the dialogues, searching for situations that could be improved.

However, recently, the situation changed drastically. Paradoxically, is seems that organizations are more focused on penalizing good service than on correcting the bad service. It is more frequent to call an organization, go through all the IVR menus, and at the listen to: “Please leave us a message on our website”.

This reality needs to be reevaluated urgently. The phone service must go back to receiving the attention it deserves. Summarizing, clients need to be considered important and are deserving of excellent service. This is the only way that clients will remain faithful and satisfied.
